Bresenham’s Circle Drawing Algorithm in Computer Graphics

Efficient Circle Rendering Using Integer Arithmetic and Symmetry Principles

In computer graphics, the ability to draw geometric shapes accurately and efficiently is fundamental. Circles, in particular, are a common element in graphic design, game development, and simulations. Bresenham’s Circle Drawing Algorithm is a cornerstone technique for rendering circles, prized for its efficiency and precision. This article explores the principles behind Bresenham’s Circle Drawing Algorithm, its implementation, and its advantages.

Introduction to Bresenham’s Circle Drawing Algorithm

Bresenham’s Circle Drawing Algorithm is an incremental scan conversion algorithm designed to draw circles using only integer arithmetic, making it highly efficient for computer graphics applications. This algorithm builds on the concept introduced by Jack E. Bresenham in his line drawing algorithm, extending it to handle the curvature of circles.

Principles of the Algorithm

The fundamental idea behind Bresenham’s Circle Drawing Algorithm is to leverage the symmetry of the circle. A circle is symmetrical about its centre, meaning that by calculating the points for one-eighth of the circle, we can replicate these points to draw the entire circle. The circle equation 𝑥2+𝑦2=𝑟2 (where 𝑟 is the radius) forms the basis of this calculation.

Key Concepts

1. Symmetry: 

A circle is symmetric about its centre, which allows for the calculation of points in one octant (1/8th of the circle) and reflection of these points across the other octants.

2. Decision Parameter: 

The algorithm uses a decision parameter to determine the closest pixel to the ideal circle path at each step, minimizing the error.

Step-by-Step Process

1. Initialization:

   - Center of the circle: (xc,yc).

   - Radius: (r).

   - Start at the point (0, r).

   - Initialize the decision parameter (p = 3 - 2r) (an optimized version of the initial value).

2. Plotting Points:

- For each point (x, y) starting from (0, r):

- Plot the point and its reflections in all eight octants.

- Update the coordinates based on the decision parameter:

- If p < 0, the next point is (x+1, y) and p = p + 4x + 6.

- If p0, the next point is (x+1, y-1) and p = p + 4(x - y) + 10.

3. Symmetry Utilization:

- Reflect the points calculated in the first octant to the other seven octants to complete the circle.

Algorithm Implementation

Below is a simple implementation of Bresenham’s Circle Drawing Algorithm in C++:

#include <iostream>

#include <graphics.h> // Use appropriate graphics library for your environment

void plotCirclePoints(int xc, int yc, int x, int y) {

    putpixel(xc + x, yc + y, WHITE);

    putpixel(xc - x, yc + y, WHITE);
    putpixel(xc + x, yc - y, WHITE);

    putpixel(xc - x, yc - y, WHITE);

    putpixel(xc + y, yc + x, WHITE);

    putpixel(xc - y, yc + x, WHITE);

    putpixel(xc + y, yc - x, WHITE);

    putpixel(xc - y, yc - x, WHITE);


void bresenhamCircle(int xc, int yc, int r) {

    int x = 0, y = r;

    int p = 3 - 2 * r; // Initial decision parameter

    while (x <= y) {

        plotCirclePoints(xc, yc, x, y);

        if (p < 0) {

            p = p + 4 * x + 6;

        } else {

            p = p + 4 * (x - y) + 10;






int main() {

    int xc = 100, yc = 100, r = 50;

    int gd = DETECT, gm;

    initgraph(&gd, &gm, nullptr);

    bresenhamCircle(xc, yc, r);



    return 0;


Advantages of Bresenham’s Circle Drawing Algorithm

1. Efficiency: 

Uses only integer arithmetic (addition and subtraction), avoiding costly floating-point operations.

2. Accuracy: 

Ensures the closest pixel to the ideal circle path is chosen, minimizing visual artifacts.

3. Simplicity: 

Easy to implement and understand, making it accessible for educational purposes and practical applications.


Bresenham’s Circle Drawing Algorithm is a powerful and efficient method for rendering circles in computer graphics. By leveraging symmetry and integer arithmetic, it provides a highly performant solution suitable for a wide range of applications. Understanding and implementing this algorithm is a valuable skill for anyone involved in computer graphics, offering insights into both algorithm design and graphical rendering techniques. 

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