How to fix Error Code 1175 in mysql

Error code 1175 in MySQL typically occurs when you attempt to perform an operation within a stored procedure or a trigger that modifies a table.

how to fix error code 1175 in mysql

But the procedure or trigger contains a SQL SECURITY DEFINER clause and the user executing the statement does not have appropriate privileges. Let's break down this error in more detail:

1. Error Message:
When you encounter error code 1175 in MySQL, you'll receive an error message similar to:

ERROR 1175 (HY000): You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column
2. Explanation:

  • This error usually arises when MySQL's safe update mode is enabled, and you're trying to perform an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT operation on a table without specifying a WHERE clause that uses a key column.
  • Safe update mode is a feature designed to prevent unintentional updates or deletions of large portions of a table by requiring the use of a WHERE clause that references a key column (usually a column with an index) when performing UPDATE or DELETE operations.
  • However, the error code 1175 can also occur in the context of stored procedures or triggers when they are defined with a SQL SECURITY DEFINER clause.


  • The SQL SECURITY DEFINER clause is used when creating stored procedures or triggers to specify the security context under which the routine executes.
  • When a routine (stored procedure or trigger) is created with SQL SECURITY DEFINER, it executes with the privileges of the routine's definer rather than the invoker.
  • If a routine with SQL SECURITY DEFINER attempts to modify a table, MySQL checks the privileges of the definer rather than the invoker. If the definer lacks the necessary privileges, you'll encounter error 1175.

4. Resolution:

To resolve erro

r code 1175, consider the following steps:
  • Review the stored procedures and triggers in your database to identify any that are defined with the SQL SECURITY DEFINER clause.
  • Verify that the definer of these routines has appropriate privileges to perform the necessary table modifications.
  • If necessary, adjust the privileges of the definer or modify the routines to avoid modifying tables in a way that requires higher privileges.

5. Disabling Safe Update Mode (Optional):

  • If you're encountering error 1175 in the context of safe update mode and you're sure about the safety of your operation, you can consider disabling safe update mode temporarily or permanently.
  • To disable safe update mode, you can execute the following command:


  • Keep in mind that disabling safe update mode removes a safeguard against unintentional data modifications, so use it judiciously.

In summary, error code 1175 in MySQL usually indicates a privilege-related issue when executing a stored procedure or trigger with SQL SECURITY DEFINER or when safe update mode is enabled and a table modification operation is attempted without a WHERE clause referencing a key column.

Understanding the context of the error and adjusting privileges or modifying routines accordingly can resolve the issue.

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